Paradox Essence, another power of personal branding

Personality is a trait that is special. Everybody’s different, and that’s what makes everyone’s unique. I believe that every personality must have their own paradoxes. “Paradessence”, explained by wiktionary, is consisted of paradox and essence, a term that is used in marketing world to explain something which has the quality of appealing to and promising to satisfy multiple contradictory desire.

The first time i heard about paradessence was from Everything we know is wrong: The Trendspotter Handbook by Magnus Linkdvist. Quoting from another author, he expressed paradessence by identifying coffee as something which has stimulation and relaxation at the same time.

I think it really is interesting that actually our own personality has paradoxes. How far a person has their paradox essence of their personality?. Sometimes i try to detect if there’s paradox in my personality, and you must have it too!. It’s not that difficult to identify mine since i really like observing myself. Feeling that you are just in a never ending contradiction within yourself.

Paradessence also could be used for your personal branding. You are the one who knows who you are and your own uniqueness. Embracing your paradessence can be your power. How do you find your paradessence? What are two paradoxical directions inherent in your personality?, at first think of yourself. I think only you who can identify your paradessence. How much your personality is a paradox? Find it out thorough!. Don’t ask other people, you’ll find it eventually. For me, i feel that there’s some kind of feeling like i want to be like this yet i also want to be a contradictary ones. Whatever your paradessences are, you can use it as your own power to make you different, make it your own strong personality that differs you from others, and showing the true personalities within you!.